
Most icons on this site are from The Noun Project.  For this site, these icons were translated into a font file and colored, and include:

“Hard Hat” symbol by Ofer Lehr, from collection (public domain)
“Crowdsourcing” symbol by Duke Innovation Co-Lab from collection (public domain)
“Peer Evaluation” symbol by Duke Innovation Co-Lab from collection (public domain)
“Data Mining” symbol by Matt Brooks from collection (public domain)

“Robot” symbol from collection by Jon Trillana – order No.  ch_3bZ0x4GnglINsy
“Cloud Upload” symbol from collection by Adam Whitcroft – order No. ch_3bZ4rPQw00EyES
“Dna” symbol by from collection by Darrin Higgins – order No. ch_3bZ5YG7XQqZcng
“Satellite Dish” symbol from collection by Paul Tynes – order No. ch_3bZ6TRcrdlz9fw
“Blueprint” symbol from collection by Dimitry Sunseifer – order No.  ch_3bZ84BddYvFYc3
“Data Analysis” symbol from collection by Brennan Novak – order No. ch_3bZ9OBukcJLMrA
“Fiber Optics” symbol from collection by David Waschbüsch – order No.  ch_3bZBzhS4SxDMxd
“Robot” symbol from collection by Julien Deveaux – order No. ch_3bZC6Ch28Fkh09
“Sustainable Energy” symbol from collection by Benni – order No. ch_3bZD50rVJmu70O
“Network” symbol from collection by Nicholas Menghini – order No. ch_3bZEz1SOhv5Zh2
“3d Model” symbol from collection by José Sanmartín González – order No. ch_3bZFINLGYVGWZw
“Newspaper” symbol from collection by Michela Tannoia – order No. ch_3bZHHXpEFuXmih
“Microchip” symbol from collection by Michael Wohlwend – order No. ch_3bZIXT4LM7aaCi
“Touch” symbol from collection by Charlene Chen – order No. ch_3bZINzSPyEbYZ2
“Clipboard” symbol from collection by Rémy Médard – order No. ch_3bZKoQvx6EetU2
“Diagram” symbol from collection by Richard Schumann – order No. ch_3bZM9CPTkHnynx
“Location Search” from collection symbol by Simple Icons – order No. ch_3jkapwDP6cmKy5